Thursday, January 15, 2015


I've always wanted to get in shape. I mean like GREAT shape (think Bikini pro) I decided this is my year. I will be 30 in February, I have 2 beautiful kids and a super supportive husband... It's time. The summer of 2013 I was in the best shape of my life, I was strong and working on my speed (had a 7 min mile!)
(thanks to Insanity, running like crazy and being a nursing mom). Then it got cold and I threw out my back... Slowly I packed back on 25 lbs and just started to FEEL it. Tired, cranky the works. When I look in the mirror I don't hate what I see but I don't FEEL good either. This time I want it to be a life change. I want to feel better, not just look better. I joined American Family Fitness and JUST got someone to help me with my nutrition and with a work out schedule. I'm really excited about it and decided I will blog my journey- 1) for accountability and 2) so I can see my progress. Here is my day 1 pic
(eeeek scary)... It can only get better right!? This time around I'm really going to focus on lifting and gaining muscle so I dont' have to spend hours doing cardio... Oh and did I mention I'm throwing away my scale!? This isn't about a number. It's just about feeling good. I'll be posting workout motivation and my journey on instagram too! I made a new account that way people who don't want/need to see me in swimsuits don't have to! instagram handle: FitMomNik!!! #phil413 Can't wait to see my progress!! xo- Nikki

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