Thursday, February 09, 2012

I miss my old body

I know pregnancy is supposed to be "beautiful", I know I'm supposed to enjoy this time, but I seriously can NOT weight... I mean wait to get this weight off. No matter what I do I gain a million pounds. I don't even have preeclampsia this time and I'm still up 70 lbs. I seriously dare the scale to move up another notch because I WILL go postal and throw it out the window! If i eat one more fat free yogurt or one more salad for lunch I'm going to barf!

this is me last fall... I almost hate the old me!

here's me now at 36 weeks:


Okay I'm done complaining (for now).

In other news I am in total nesting phase. I want to clean, gather and store! we are looking for a house too and I'm anxious to know where we are going to live! Very excited to buy though! I'll let you know more about that as it becomes more "official" (plus the process is excruciatingly painful at times)...

SO hopefully 3-4 more weeks and i can hit the treadmills! Oh and of course meet my new darling little one!

Weight gain- ONE MILLION pounds
Outlook: good, generally happier than I have been so that's good...

Send me love, positive skinny vibes and T&P's for a great delivery!!

1 comment:

  1. Nic, I so don't believe you're up 70lbs. Like, that's how I looked when I was up maybe... 30??? You really do look fabulous, and I say that as someone who COMPLETELY understands the anxiety and frustration of pregnancy weight gain. Granted I didn't gain a ton last time but the whole process is just HARD. I refused to look at the scale today at my appt. Of course I said I didn't want to, and then they still TOLD me how much weight I'd gained... Um, thanks, but when I said I don't want to know I really don't. Unless there's an issue and you are telling me I need to go on a diet, please don't tell me what the scale says, it will just make me sick to my stomach.
