I went with my dad, brother and husband to see Third Day last night at the Patriot Center. It was awesome; great performance, high energy and rowdy crowd! I
didn’t realize I knew so many songs by them! The best part (for me any ways) was the opening band, a relatively new (1-2 years old) pop-rock Christian band from the land down under. They’re called Revive! They blew my socks off with great lyrics, and heart felt music. I got to snap a quick photo with them and met 2 of their beautiful wives while in line to meet their husbands!!! Any ways here’s a link for their
band, check it out if it sounds interesting…
On to a more pressing topic one that would make even mother Teresa of Calcutta utter the expletives that were burning red in my mind!
“You look really fat, what happened?” Said one of our subcontractors today… this is the moment my jaw dropped in true cartoon like fashion, you know clear to the ground. 
Once I gathered my wits and closed my gaping mouth, I politely asked him to leave, throwing ‘yeah it’s cause I’m 3 ½ months pregnant!!’ at his hastily retreating back. I would like the record to show; that I have currently gained 0 lbs since becoming pregnant (well I gained 3 and lost it in subsequent weeks because of morning sickness, and I’m definitely a good 10 lbs heavier then my wedding weight (I don’t run in the winter because of shortened days and sub zero temps) but at 5 feet 7 inches I’m a healthy 135 pounds as recommended by doctors and weight charts alike. See below…

(I'm almost in the underweight category!)
How can one thoughtless comment derail my finally lifting spirits!? Clearly my post take a melancholy tone and here I was hoping to change that, I think it’s probably because it’s easier to write about the sad stuff, who has time to write when they’re happy!? Well I’m going to take a deep breath, shake off the fat comment and listen to my new revive CD, I plan on being the best looking mother on the play ground, operation ‘look good naked again’ will be in full swing in 31 weeks (25 weeks of pregnancy plus the 6 weeks you’re not allowed to work out afterwards). So there… ;) I can be so dramatic! Lol
At least it’s FRIDAY!!!! And Date night!!!
Love you all,
AH I would have wanted to smack him!!! I'm 5'7" and 135lbs too and while I have those "I feel fat" days, I KNOW I'm not fat. The nerve of that guy. It gets me steamed, really.