Monday, April 20, 2009
When Siblings Date.
I was hanging out with my family on Sunday evening when for some reason my brother decided to say that one of my good friends was ugly. I was really shocked because it just so happens that the girl in question is very beautiful so I said ‘if you think she’s so ugly what would you call your girlfriend?’ Okay I can practically feel/hear and see the collective gasps that that comment may have rendered from you; and re-reading it and having been told what it sounded like upon hearing it I understand that the question as poised makes it sound like I’m calling his girlfriend ugly; WHICH is NOT the case. I was seriously asking him what he would call his girlfriend on the attractiveness scale, because his girlfriend is cute/pretty but this friend of mine is like model pretty (see no disrespect here). Well he EXPLODED, muttered some expletives and punched something and ran up stairs where an issuing fight took place with my father, who in turn came downstairs to yell at me for being so insensitive to my “poor little brother”. At this point I was flabbergasted, annoyed and angry. I must be the most misunderstood person in the world. Then some family from out of town and my husband informed me that my comment could’ve been taken the wrong way and then I got really upset because EVERY one was on my back when my brother was the only one who actually did call some one ugly!!!! I know I’m being defensive right now, but instead of storming off, calling me names and telling everyone I called his girlfriend ugly he could’ve stuck around and heard me out when I tried to explain myself and **news flash** if you tell your girlfriend your sister thinks she’s ugly…. That won’t bode well for the relationship, not at this point in his life anyways when sisters do much in the way of providing, rides, phones and general support when parents don’t. Okay. I think I should stop because I’m just getting angry at the injustices of being the one who every one’s mad at, won’t listen to and thinks is a B. The world can be so unjust.
*Here’s to NOT calling people ugly, defending friends when they are called ugly and having a negative change of heart about the significant others of brothers.
Weekend Highs; Sunny skies, 78* weather, hanging out with good friends and eating some of the BEST burgers I’ve ever.
Weekend Lows: The start of a rain storm that’s scheduled to last through Thursday, The catastrophic fight with my brother which makes his girlfriend think I hate her and all people he tells his side of the story to think I’m shallow, Realizing I thoroughly dislike people on some deep seated level that I don’t know how to rectify and knowing I would make an excellent mountain hermit never to be seen from or heard of again.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Half Baked
(Not a drug reference but being used here as a term to describe condition of pregnancy progress)
Can I just say counting down the days of a pregnancy is a lot like waiting for Ryan Seacrest to say and ‘and the person who will make it to the top 8 this week is….’ Dun dun dun…. Commercial! You get psyched for the first sonogram and… dun dun dun… okay so we get to see a flicker on the screen what’s next?! Lol I guess that’s just the impatient part in me. I just wish it wasn't such a LONG process!!!
BUT HEY...I finally made it past a commercial break today! I’m officially 15 weeks pregnant (measuring bigger possibly) and get to go back in 4 weeks instead of 5 to find out what the sex is! This also means in 4 weeks I’ll be ½ baked, and that I’ll be on top of the pregnancy hill ready to roll down!!! HAPPPPPY!! ( OH and Scott and I got to see the little lover and he/she is the sweetest little thing ever, he/she’s a bit camera shy and tried to kick and fight his/her way from the screen but hopefully we’ll get a good view 4 weeks from now!
On a sadder note I’ve officially gained 5 pregnant pounds (which I blame completely on Scott's super accommodating husbandly ways which include (all hour of day grill cheese, 4 Oreo cookie milkshakes and 3x a day mango madness smoothies from tropical smoothie) outlook glum for totally weight gain.. lol actually the doctor says I’m perfect and I’m on track to only gain about a total of 25 lbs! HAPPY… I’m keeping it that way, I’ve been walking, lifting little baby weights and only eating 1-2 splurge items a day which make up that extra 300-500 calories you are supposed to consume a day anyways. SO THERE! Dr. Sethi says my attitude about the weight gain guarantees I wont gain more because people who worry about it are active about not gaining it (which means me) HAPPY again. So many highs and lows right?
The cats sort of out of the bag now too, it’s hard to keep things like this a secret when you blog about, mention it on face book and are to excited to not mention it! I find being pregnant has it’s definite perks! No lifting, people moving for you etc. I wonder if they’ll be as great when the kid's actually born, I for one have never liked having to sit near some one with a baby because they; scream, smell, throw up …. So I’m thinking the golden age has dawned and I should enjoy the perks while they last.
(Stealing high’s and lows from Lauren because it’s so relevant and she’s highly imitatable)
Getting to spend 3 hours out of the office and the rest of the time in it with no one there (planning conference of some sort?) and of course seeing that the little life growing in me is not an alien after all and actually resembles a human!
Temperatures that never reach 50 degrees, transmissions that need replacing with the tax money that has yet to be filed. And speaking of taxes, getting them done tonight before tomorrow’s April 15th deadline… balls.
I think I’ll start calling the alien Nikscotie until we know if it’s a boy or a girl. I just feel wrong calling it an it or an alien.
Till next time my pretties.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Inconveivable! A completely pointless blog, but a random thought I had.
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means”… seriously how many times have you wanted to say that to some tight pant intellectual who uses words like Cornucopia or Lapidary? ‘Yeah buddy now tell me again in English… lol
“Tell me who you are I must know” Inigo Montoya
“Get used to disappointment” Westly
Get used to disappointment! WHOA what’s the age bracket for this movie? Can we say hitting the nail right on the head and teaching the young ones too?
Can I get the guy who wrote the screenplay? Here are a few of my favorite lines
Vizzini: “Am I going MAD, or did the word "think" escape your lips? You were not hired for your brains, you hippopotamic land mass”
Vissini again: You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!
OMG I don’t think I’ve been so hugely diverted since I accidentally shouted out ‘3 plus 3 is 9 in a heated rage’… I’ll have to save that story for another time! It’s been years since I’ve watched it and I wish it wasn’t on so close to bed time! My favorite line is probably the repeated use of inconceivable, and it got me thinking that that word ‘inconceivable’ is highly subjective. Maybe what’s conceivable to me is not at all likely to you. So now I feel sort of bad for Vizzini, because he really thought he could succeed against true love (or in this case in starting a war against Gilder).
Why don’t they make movies like this anymore?
AAhhahaha sorry. I don't know why I think this is so funny. Feel free to hate this blog I realize it's completely pointless but maybe you get a little insight to the kinds of things that run through my head all day :P
Friday, April 03, 2009
New band, and Fat News
On to a more pressing topic one that would make even mother Teresa of Calcutta utter the expletives that were burning red in my mind!
“You look really fat, what happened?” Said one of our subcontractors today… this is the moment my jaw dropped in true cartoon like fashion, you know clear to the ground.
Once I gathered my wits and closed my gaping mouth, I politely asked him to leave, throwing ‘yeah it’s cause I’m 3 ½ months pregnant!!’ at his hastily retreating back. I would like the record to show; that I have currently gained 0 lbs since becoming pregnant (well I gained 3 and lost it in subsequent weeks because of morning sickness, and I’m definitely a good 10 lbs heavier then my wedding weight (I don’t run in the winter because of shortened days and sub zero temps) but at 5 feet 7 inches I’m a healthy 135 pounds as recommended by doctors and weight charts alike. See below…

At least it’s FRIDAY!!!! And Date night!!!
Love you all,