Delighted Momma: 3 Ingredient Peach Cobbler: Do you ever pretend like a recipe takes a lot more work and effort than it really does? Or am I the only weirdo who does this? I have been...
I tried this recipe and it flopped!...Well to be totally honest I let Scott make it (I promise to step it up in the kitchen one of these days ;)). However the cake mix didn't turn in to the beautiful creation showed in Delighted Momma's pictures! It stayed as cake powder! We took the cobbler to small group and got some suggestions. We are going to try tweaking some things and getting back to you all with the results. In the meantime you all try it out and let me know if yours comes out better than ours did! If so PLEASE tell me what we (cou-Scott-ggh) did wrong! xoxox I'm desperate for yummy cobbler!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tasty Tuesdays~ and other bits of randomness
If I’m going to prove my SAHM capabilities to my hubs I’d better step it up a notch in the kitchen. He is not only the primary bread winner in the house hold… but sadly the primary bread maker. In attempt to encourage his faith in me (so that I can live my dream of domesticated bliss) I have decided to at least TRY and cook.
I was briefly a pampered chef consultant (I quit because sadly I do not have the knack for following up on needed sales leads and OH yeah I’m not actually a “chef”)during my brief stint as a consultant I learned to make an amazing Turkey Chili! Not only is it healthy; it is incredibly easy and get this MADE IN THE MICRO WAVE!!!
All you need is a trip to the grocery store for the needed supplies, a stone baker (metal won’t work as we are making this in the microwave) and about 30-45 min. I have to say it was a HUGE hit… not so much with the hubby though… apparently he’s not a huge fan of turkey *He read this and corrected me... he's not a fan of chili beans... not much i can do about that*… he said something else but I must have been doing one of those selective hearing things! I've added my comments in bold... Bon Appétit!

Ingredients Needed:
1 cup chopped onion
1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and chopped (leave the seeds if you want it to be spicy!)
1 cup diced green bell pepper
1 pound 99% lean ground turkey (93% will work but you need a little extra 1.5 lbs)
2 tablespoons Basil Blend Canola oil (OR olive or canola)
3 garlic cloves, pressed
¾ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons Southwestern Seasoning Mix (you can use taco seasonging)
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 can (28 ounces) diced tomatoes, undrained (I got diced tomatoes in cilantro! mmm)
1 can (15 ounces) black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can (16 ounces) chili beans in sauce, undrained
½ cup hot water
Cooking Instructions:
1. chop onion and jalapeño pepper. Dice bell pepper. Place vegetables in stone ware (has to be pretty deep); microwave, uncovered, on HIGH 4-5 minutes or until tender.
2. Add turkey, oil, garlic and salt; mix well. Microwave, uncovered, an additional 5-6 minutes, stirring halfway through and breaking turkey mixture into crumbles.
3. Add seasoning mix and flour; mix well to coat. Stir in tomatoes, beans and water. Microwave, uncovered, an additional 12-14 minutes or until slightly thickened, stirring once halfway through cooking.
Makes about: 6 servings
Only about Calories 280! Total Fat 6 g, Saturated Fat 0 g, Cholesterol 30 mg, Carbohydrate 27 g, Protein 25 g, Sodium 970 mg, Fiber 8 g
This recipe was adapted from (C) 2011 Pampered Chef
In other news I’m now 16 weeks! SO far so good with the Placenta Previa, Going for a checkup tomorrow! Here’s my baby belly:

BTW I’ve been rocking the side braid ever since I watched Miss Universe last week. The stylist demonstrated how to make a messy hair day a cute one with a braid (and today was def a messy hair day):

Oh and one more thing just for fun… This weekend I was feeling pretty down and thought I’d do a “every girl should ______ from time to time”… well this weekend I rocked some Kim Kardashian worthy Eyelashes! So for my fill in the blank: Every girl should rock eye HUGE eyelashes from time to time!:

SOOOO FUN! TIP-Use black adhesive and add it from the outer part of the eye to the inner (other wise you might have too much hanging off the end!).
This week’s Lows: The truck breaking down to the Tune of $1500…
This week’s highs: Preparing for Luca’s 2nd birthday coming up this Saturday!!! EEEEK so excited!
I was briefly a pampered chef consultant (I quit because sadly I do not have the knack for following up on needed sales leads and OH yeah I’m not actually a “chef”)during my brief stint as a consultant I learned to make an amazing Turkey Chili! Not only is it healthy; it is incredibly easy and get this MADE IN THE MICRO WAVE!!!
All you need is a trip to the grocery store for the needed supplies, a stone baker (metal won’t work as we are making this in the microwave) and about 30-45 min. I have to say it was a HUGE hit… not so much with the hubby though… apparently he’s not a huge fan of turkey *He read this and corrected me... he's not a fan of chili beans... not much i can do about that*… he said something else but I must have been doing one of those selective hearing things! I've added my comments in bold... Bon Appétit!

Ingredients Needed:
1 cup chopped onion
1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and chopped (leave the seeds if you want it to be spicy!)
1 cup diced green bell pepper
1 pound 99% lean ground turkey (93% will work but you need a little extra 1.5 lbs)
2 tablespoons Basil Blend Canola oil (OR olive or canola)
3 garlic cloves, pressed
¾ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons Southwestern Seasoning Mix (you can use taco seasonging)
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 can (28 ounces) diced tomatoes, undrained (I got diced tomatoes in cilantro! mmm)
1 can (15 ounces) black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can (16 ounces) chili beans in sauce, undrained
½ cup hot water
Cooking Instructions:
1. chop onion and jalapeño pepper. Dice bell pepper. Place vegetables in stone ware (has to be pretty deep); microwave, uncovered, on HIGH 4-5 minutes or until tender.
2. Add turkey, oil, garlic and salt; mix well. Microwave, uncovered, an additional 5-6 minutes, stirring halfway through and breaking turkey mixture into crumbles.
3. Add seasoning mix and flour; mix well to coat. Stir in tomatoes, beans and water. Microwave, uncovered, an additional 12-14 minutes or until slightly thickened, stirring once halfway through cooking.
Makes about: 6 servings
Only about Calories 280! Total Fat 6 g, Saturated Fat 0 g, Cholesterol 30 mg, Carbohydrate 27 g, Protein 25 g, Sodium 970 mg, Fiber 8 g
This recipe was adapted from (C) 2011 Pampered Chef
In other news I’m now 16 weeks! SO far so good with the Placenta Previa, Going for a checkup tomorrow! Here’s my baby belly:

BTW I’ve been rocking the side braid ever since I watched Miss Universe last week. The stylist demonstrated how to make a messy hair day a cute one with a braid (and today was def a messy hair day):

Oh and one more thing just for fun… This weekend I was feeling pretty down and thought I’d do a “every girl should ______ from time to time”… well this weekend I rocked some Kim Kardashian worthy Eyelashes! So for my fill in the blank: Every girl should rock eye HUGE eyelashes from time to time!:

SOOOO FUN! TIP-Use black adhesive and add it from the outer part of the eye to the inner (other wise you might have too much hanging off the end!).
This week’s Lows: The truck breaking down to the Tune of $1500…
This week’s highs: Preparing for Luca’s 2nd birthday coming up this Saturday!!! EEEEK so excited!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Happy Friday!
I'm so grateful its Friday you can't even begin to imagine how much!!! I know you shouldn't "wish your life away" for the weekend but I love the down time and hanging out with my family so much it’s hard not to want to skip the stuff in between!
Scott starts his FE/PE Prep courses today! I’m so proud of him and excited that he’s moving forward with his career. Even though I am thrilled he’s moving onward I had a hard time letting him go this morning! We have never been a part in the 3 + years or marriage! Not for more than a few hours (a work day). I’m not really looking forward to 3 weekends of him being away. I am so thankful however that he’s willing to make this sacrifice for the betterment of our family and that God didn’t let things with the Air force pan out because I wouldn’t have made a very good military wife. I’m selfish and want Scott to be with me ALL the time!!!Seriously I have one GREAT man! Let me brag on him for a second; when I get home from work dinner is on the table… he does this somehow while still picking up Luca from “grandmas”/babysitters, having significantly less sleep then me ( leaves 2 hours BEFORE me for work in the AM, even though he stays up with me at night because he wants to be with me)… then after all this he gives Luca a bath ( Luca prefers him to do this because I’m not as fun, I sit and read a book while he bathes while Scott makes bath time fun by introducing car noises, rocket ships crashes and sharks swimming in the tub). Every Friday he brings Luca to see me at work along with a huge salad...and as if all this was not enough he gets up and cooks breakfast for me and Luca on the weekends(normally whatever Luca is craving; pancakes or doughnuts and whatever I’m craving!) AND my personal favorite thing;he always keeps my car filled with gas… I don’t even know when/how he does it… but I never put gas in my car. EVER… It’s always magically full… Sigh… THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU JESUS FOR MY GIFT OF A HUSBAND!!! Ha-ha that’s only the tip of the iceberg but you get the picture (thanks for letting me brag for a bit). Sigh… can’t wait for these classes to be over!!!
The other reason I feel like I really need him the next few weekends is that I was diagnosed with Complete Placenta Previa yesterday. I’m not on bed rest or anything but I’m not supposed to be lugging Luca around or doing a ton of physical activity (hard to do with a 2 year old!). I’m really glad to have a reason behind my complications though.*TMI WARNING*** MENTION OF WOMANLY THINGS*** If you’ve read my blog before you know I’ve had a few scares (when I thought I might be miscarrying b/c of bleeding) and have had on going problems with spotting... Well it turns out if the placenta is covering the cervix, blood can sometimes leak out. The hope is (since I’m still pretty early on) that the Placenta will move up as the baby does (it never moves down). If it doesn’t completely move off the cervix then I will have to have a C-section… but we are taking things one day at a time. Last night the Elders at Oasis motorcycle ministry ( I was leading worship for their annual retreat) felt prompted to lay hands on me… so maybe that darn placenta’s already moved up through the power of the Holy Spirit working by their faith! May it be so!!! My mom was pretty funny when I told her about the Placenta Previa… she said
‘You Just can’t have a normal pregnancy can you”… ha-ha I said
‘no mom I guess I can’t! But I’m truly grateful to God because he knows how complacent I get. If it weren’t for Luca’s SUA/Preeclampsia and Baby Jo-Jo Haun’s (as Luca told me the baby was called last night/ probably because his lil best friend is Oliva-Jo or Jo-Jo) Placenta Previa/ beginning stages of Preeclampsia (utters prayer against this) I wouldn’t have prayed/been praying for my babies… To God be all the Glory in all things right?! His ways and thoughts are truly higher than ours (Isaiah 55). I will never stop being amazed at his sovereignty, providence and mercy!
SO I will end this longer than normal blog with a request for MORE prayers. I truly believe that our Lord desires the prayers of his saints. Together we can do all things in Christ Jesus who is our Strength. I am declaring victory over my pregnancy in the Name of Jesus and consider all these present trials pure Joy because I know that the testing of my faith is producing perseverance! And hopefully I can let that perseverance finish its work so that I may be mature and complete not lacking in anything!
Lows: Finding out I had a complete placenta Previa
Highs: Being prayed over for healing by tough bikers for Jesus and realizing that God has his hand on even this.
Scott starts his FE/PE Prep courses today! I’m so proud of him and excited that he’s moving forward with his career. Even though I am thrilled he’s moving onward I had a hard time letting him go this morning! We have never been a part in the 3 + years or marriage! Not for more than a few hours (a work day). I’m not really looking forward to 3 weekends of him being away. I am so thankful however that he’s willing to make this sacrifice for the betterment of our family and that God didn’t let things with the Air force pan out because I wouldn’t have made a very good military wife. I’m selfish and want Scott to be with me ALL the time!!!Seriously I have one GREAT man! Let me brag on him for a second; when I get home from work dinner is on the table… he does this somehow while still picking up Luca from “grandmas”/babysitters, having significantly less sleep then me ( leaves 2 hours BEFORE me for work in the AM, even though he stays up with me at night because he wants to be with me)… then after all this he gives Luca a bath ( Luca prefers him to do this because I’m not as fun, I sit and read a book while he bathes while Scott makes bath time fun by introducing car noises, rocket ships crashes and sharks swimming in the tub). Every Friday he brings Luca to see me at work along with a huge salad...and as if all this was not enough he gets up and cooks breakfast for me and Luca on the weekends(normally whatever Luca is craving; pancakes or doughnuts and whatever I’m craving!) AND my personal favorite thing;he always keeps my car filled with gas… I don’t even know when/how he does it… but I never put gas in my car. EVER… It’s always magically full… Sigh… THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU JESUS FOR MY GIFT OF A HUSBAND!!! Ha-ha that’s only the tip of the iceberg but you get the picture (thanks for letting me brag for a bit). Sigh… can’t wait for these classes to be over!!!
The other reason I feel like I really need him the next few weekends is that I was diagnosed with Complete Placenta Previa yesterday. I’m not on bed rest or anything but I’m not supposed to be lugging Luca around or doing a ton of physical activity (hard to do with a 2 year old!). I’m really glad to have a reason behind my complications though.*TMI WARNING*** MENTION OF WOMANLY THINGS*** If you’ve read my blog before you know I’ve had a few scares (when I thought I might be miscarrying b/c of bleeding) and have had on going problems with spotting... Well it turns out if the placenta is covering the cervix, blood can sometimes leak out. The hope is (since I’m still pretty early on) that the Placenta will move up as the baby does (it never moves down). If it doesn’t completely move off the cervix then I will have to have a C-section… but we are taking things one day at a time. Last night the Elders at Oasis motorcycle ministry ( I was leading worship for their annual retreat) felt prompted to lay hands on me… so maybe that darn placenta’s already moved up through the power of the Holy Spirit working by their faith! May it be so!!! My mom was pretty funny when I told her about the Placenta Previa… she said
‘You Just can’t have a normal pregnancy can you”… ha-ha I said
‘no mom I guess I can’t! But I’m truly grateful to God because he knows how complacent I get. If it weren’t for Luca’s SUA/Preeclampsia and Baby Jo-Jo Haun’s (as Luca told me the baby was called last night/ probably because his lil best friend is Oliva-Jo or Jo-Jo) Placenta Previa/ beginning stages of Preeclampsia (utters prayer against this) I wouldn’t have prayed/been praying for my babies… To God be all the Glory in all things right?! His ways and thoughts are truly higher than ours (Isaiah 55). I will never stop being amazed at his sovereignty, providence and mercy!
SO I will end this longer than normal blog with a request for MORE prayers. I truly believe that our Lord desires the prayers of his saints. Together we can do all things in Christ Jesus who is our Strength. I am declaring victory over my pregnancy in the Name of Jesus and consider all these present trials pure Joy because I know that the testing of my faith is producing perseverance! And hopefully I can let that perseverance finish its work so that I may be mature and complete not lacking in anything!
Lows: Finding out I had a complete placenta Previa
Highs: Being prayed over for healing by tough bikers for Jesus and realizing that God has his hand on even this.
motorcyle ministry,
placenta previa
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Not so Wordless Wednesday
~Not so Wordless Wednesday~
I’m going to introduce “wordless Wednesdays” Where I only put up a picture (they’re worth a thousand words right)!? I saw it on another blog and thought it was really neat!! The only problem for me is the not adding any words part… So I’m giving myself a week to let the idea fester. Here’s my picture for today:

Note the location of the chocolate in relation to my chair… Probably not the best idea for a preggo who wants to avoid gaining 70Lbs this go around…Not too bad you might be thinking… just a harmless little bowl of chocolate…well then you have to see my “stash”:

NOW that picture really is worth a thousand words… or at least a thousand pieces of chocolate…I’m actually not too tempted by the chocolate. I keep each bag of specialty morsels for certain individuals at my office. When you work with all men you find ways to keep them happy!
Week High:
Made it to my 2nd Trimester Here’s my belly shot… somehow it got smaller than my last one… I think I was bloated before… It’s okay I oww and awww over gas too… the baby’s in there somewhere right!?

Week Low: “re-piping” being done in our apartment for the next week= no water and no showers… aren’t you glad you don’t live near me!?
I’m going to introduce “wordless Wednesdays” Where I only put up a picture (they’re worth a thousand words right)!? I saw it on another blog and thought it was really neat!! The only problem for me is the not adding any words part… So I’m giving myself a week to let the idea fester. Here’s my picture for today:

Note the location of the chocolate in relation to my chair… Probably not the best idea for a preggo who wants to avoid gaining 70Lbs this go around…Not too bad you might be thinking… just a harmless little bowl of chocolate…well then you have to see my “stash”:

NOW that picture really is worth a thousand words… or at least a thousand pieces of chocolate…I’m actually not too tempted by the chocolate. I keep each bag of specialty morsels for certain individuals at my office. When you work with all men you find ways to keep them happy!
Week High:
Made it to my 2nd Trimester Here’s my belly shot… somehow it got smaller than my last one… I think I was bloated before… It’s okay I oww and awww over gas too… the baby’s in there somewhere right!?

Week Low: “re-piping” being done in our apartment for the next week= no water and no showers… aren’t you glad you don’t live near me!?
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