So I know I promised to blog more... And yet here I am 4-5 weeks from my last post finally posting a blog (and this one will have to be short). I really did mean to write something sooner, but the Haun house hold has just begun to recover from the Plague (not the real plague of course, that was deadly and bubonic) but the pneumonia inducing (at least in Scott’s case see his pict at hosp), fever spiking, nose dripping, lying in bed 24-7 variety of plague… and I’m cautiously declaring our freedom from the nasty little virus that is now making its way through the Rivera house hold (sorry fam!).PRAISE GOD!!! Their recovery couldn’t have come at a better time because today I am 12 weeks pregnant and more exhausted then ever!
Exhaustion is my new way of life. It seems that I rarely have a moment in which I feel like myself. I’m definitely not one of these “I love being pregnant” type gals, the end result is worth it (at least it feels that way at the end) but all this in between stuff is not for the weak at heart. Every day I think the nausea is starting to subside and decide that it will be the day I wean myself off Zofran (the miracle morning sickness drug), and every day I throw up everything I’ve had that day and then some… and dig my Zofran out of the drawer…so it looks like my love affair with it will continue… It worries me a little because there has not been much research done on it, but the midwives keep assuring me that it is safe… hmmm When do the benefits ever really outweigh the risks? …
In other prego news I have not been able to shake feelings of general sadness. I’m not a sad person, I love to laugh, play, sing dance and I haven’t really felt like doing any of that these last few weeks. I’ve been feeling disconnected with everyone and everything and even with this pregnancy… It’s been rough I’m not going to lie. It’s been a struggle to get out of bed and put my clothes on! SO if you are a little prayer warrior would you mind adding me to your list!? The enemy sure knows how to speak lies to us in our most vulnerable moments… I’m trying to cling to the truth that God will never leave me or forsake me! I have my 12 week checkup today at 2:15 maybe that will give me some excitement over new baby and cheer me up!
Today’s High- Getting to go to my 12 week check up!
Today’s Low- Having to take a jug of my pee to my 12 week check up to get a baseline on my protein (gross, tmi, I know)
OOOOO can’t wait to share my Luca 2 year old birth day ideas!!! VERY COOL!!! xoxox

(can you tell i'm hoping girl?) lol