So this is what happens when I actually have a ton of work to do, sans the capability, desire or wherewith all to begin… BLOGS AKA my method of procrastination.
Life as a pregnant woman continues; 40 more days, 5 ½ more weeks. It feels a lot like running the Marine Corps marathon did… you are at mile 20 and know you’re in the home stretch… part of you wants to muster every last bit of energy (real or imagined) and high tail it for the finish; but yet another part of you wants to lay right where you tread at the prospect of going another 10k (UPHILL). Where am I in that spectrum? Most days I’m somewhere in between; I some how pick up one foot and place it in front of the other and grow bigger and bigger and utterly more exhausted from lack of sleep. UGGGH
I’m thankful however that despite my exhaustion Luca is still doing well. At the 33 week appointment both the midwife and the perinatologist said he was measuring ahead (35 weeks according to the sonogram and fundus height). He was 5 lbs 11oz! I know babies that are born that big! Apparently this whole single umbilical artery isn’t holding him back in the least… I mean he’s in the 90th percentile... WOW-I’m already having dreams of retiring early as my little QB takes care of his mama!!! -------- Okay reining in the fantasies and just praying for the continued health of my little man.
I just realized summer is almost over. It makes me sad. The days start getting a little shorter, the sun going down a little sooner, friends and siblings (Ver & Lala ) have all left from their summer sabbaticals back to the realities of school, exams and student teaching. Why is it that even after the long months of summer festivities and merry making that the chest constricts and the mind flies in to a flurry of things NOT done? Wasn’t that what made those things more enjoyable? That they were rare moments as opposed to the every day norm? Hmmm Carpe Diem right? This summer did have it’s moments that I will remember and smile back on… The Nikki Peacock-Turtle (my man hunt dance for when I’m on the prowl for GOOD looking CHRISTIAN men) for my gorgeous single ladies (you know who you are), watching movies outside on sleeping bags projected on to the garage, the ‘raise the roof’ Lala style props- giving, making lye bombs on the street and teaching all the neighborhood kids how (and consequently that adults are complete idiots sometimes), going to the pool in a bikini despite the bulbous condition of my stomach and of course learning how to trust God when the odds are against you. Maybe I shouldn’t be so sad; it was a GREAT summer and there’s still Cox’s farm pumpkin picking, and Christmas tree outings to look forward to… WITH Luca no less!!!
Highs: Realizing tomorrow is Friday, only 40 days of pregnancy left (almost there) and sleeping in Saturday
Lows: I STILL have 40 days left of pregnancy, realizing tomorrow is Friday and I have to take the med term final and most depressing...having nothing left over which to procrastinate on and facing the gargantuan pile of work on my desk… oh well.